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Saturday 29 August 2020

What proves that evolution is fake?

I am always running into articles and essays that are gems of knowledge and/or observation..., and this is one of them!

Hope you like it!

 Guest post by Divesh Jain

Q: What points prove that evolution is fake?

Oh, that’s easy! There are just so many points that prove evolution is fake, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • There is a book written thousands of years ago (by people who apparently didn’t even realize that the day/night cycle was caused by the rotation of the Earth) that clearly states that all life on Earth was created “as-is” some 6000–10000 years ago, which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • Preachers in various religions have said that evolution is a “damnable lie from the pit of Satan,” which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • The whole idea of life evolving over time (even if there were billions of years in which it could happen instead of just 6000–10000 years) just contradicts observed reality. Nobody has ever seen a cat give birth to a dog, which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • We have only ever observed life coming from life, which means that life cannot possibly come from inanimate material. If you ignore the fact that evolution describes what happened to life after it appeared and says precisely nothing about how life got here in the first place, this clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • If you ignore the fact that the Earth is an open system that receives a constant influx of energy from the sun, the whole idea of life evolving from simple to complex organisms totally violates the Second Law of Thermodynamics that states that entropy always increases over time in a closed system that does not receive energy from outside sources, which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • If you ignore all the hundreds of thousands of fossils that have been unearthed in recent decades, many of which show clear transitions between preceding species and subsequent species, the fossil record is wholly lacking any transitional fossils whatsoever, which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • If you ignore the fact that most educated people in the world (both theists and atheist alike) have no trouble whatsoever accepting that evolution itself is an observed scientific fact and that the theory of evolution is our best, most well-supported explanation of that observed scientific fact, it’s clear that evolution is just some wild idea that some atheist came up with years ago and that the only people who believe in it are other atheists who are just looking for a way to discredit God, which clearly proves that evolution is fake.
  • The whole idea of one species “evolving” into another species just goes against common sense, which clearly proves that evolution is fake. I mean, you might as well argue that the clearly flat Earth we see in front of us every day of our lives is actually a sphere of some sort!

Or, to put it another way:

By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record. Of primary importance is the fact that evidence is always subject to interpretation by fallible people who do not possess all information.

— Statement of Faith

I hope that helps clear things up for you, Divesh Jain!

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