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(For example!)


Showing posts with label cancel culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancel culture. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 July 2021

Another quick shot at the "WOKE" Generation!

 If you have any doubts that things are getting nuts with the cancel culture..., somebody has just complained that the Flintstones are inappropriate.

Apparently it was because the wives took the husbands last name..., and they were relegated to the role of "housewives!" (Oh, 'Father knows Best' and 'Leave it to Beaver' as well as 'Bewitched' made the list too because of their traditional family units!)

I rest my case!!!!!!!!

Monday 12 July 2021

Go back to where you came from!

 I'm telling ya folks those sons-a-bitches with their "woke" and "cancel" culture are really starting to get on my nerves!

On top of everything else there is a guy, Mano Majumda, who comes waltzing into this country from India and then has the temerity..., no, the outright gall and nerve to write a letter to the paper suggesting we should replace the Ontario flag to reflect the province's diversity and not its colonial past!

Well I got news for Mano.........., if it wasn't for our colonial past he wouldn't even be in this country to begin with so I would suggest he goes back to India where he will feel more welcome!

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Cancel the Queen?

 The "WOKE" and "CANCEL CULTURE" crowd hit a new low last weekend:

The Queen has become the latest victim of cancel culture after students at an Oxford college voted to remove her portrait claiming it represented “colonial history.”

The likeness hung in the middle common room (MCR) of Magdalen College, which has a long association with members of the Royal family.

The MCR committee, made up of graduate students, voted for the portrait — a colourized print based on a 1952 photo of the monarch — to be taken down, claiming it represented an unwelcoming symbol of “recent colonial history.”

The portrait has now been removed, according to the committee’s president, and it is understood it will be put into storage.

Now I would normally be outraged at this stupid overkill of political correctness gone wild..., except I would personally like to cancel my next door neighbour George! 

Wednesday 17 March 2021

I actually agree with Trump supporters on one thing!

There is only ONE thing I can agree on with Trump supporters: "Today's woke and cancel culture is trying to make white males feel guilty just because they are white males!


I can only answer that one way: "Fuck off!"

Let's take a look at today's cancel culture:

(I'm a semi-intelligent, semi-retired, semi-sane, happily married, middle-class, white, straight, Anglo-Saxon male who is not going quietly!)

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Dr. Seuss gets deep sixed!

 If you think political correctness and the "cancel culture" is getting way out of hand my friends you ain't seen nothin' yet!

That paradigm of kids' books, Dr. Seuss, is no longer safe for the youngsters to read because of the nasty and vicious stereotypes it portrays in 6 of his books that are no longer going to be published! 

The first is this shameful portrayal of Chinese people: (?)

Then there's the sordid depiction of mountain Sherpa's carrying a captured animal. (I'm not sure if this is objectionable because of the Sherpa's or the captured animal!)
Next is a picture of strange people that look like monkeys..., or are monkeys, and they're stealing an egg from some animal. Not sure if these animals just look like monkeys, or are monkeys..., and maybe they shouldn't be stealing eggs!
This next one makes no sense at all except maybe these fish are BLACK and that's insulting to black people!
I have absolutely no idea why this is offensive (It could be some Himalayan dude) but what the hell do I know? 
Now this last one is definitely 'racist' but we have to take it in context..., it was drawn during the second world war when the Japanese were locked away in concentration camps!
This one suggested that: "Ya just can't trust those dirty slant eyes!" (SEE, I told you it was racist!!!!)