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Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label republicans. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 February 2025


 Racial stereotyping involves a fixed, overgeneralized belief about a particular group of people based on their race. (And while some people say things like, “I don't stereotype anyone based on their appearance,” the truth is that everyone does it!)

BUT: Here's one stereotype that has been proven to be accurate!

Republicans are much more likely to be *stupid than Democratic voters!

The average I.Q. is 100, and most Democrats fit into the top half of the scale.. while most Republicans go to the bottom half!!!! 


Most of this is due to a lack of education! (Although I think that some of it is Genetic as well! - A lot of Republicans are just plain stupid... and they keep inbreeding... just like in Kentucky!) 

P.S. This is NOT "Hate Speech..." it's more like... "Dislike Speech," don't get your underwear all in a knot!!!!!

Friday, 31 January 2025

Saturday Morning Confusion: The 50% Solution!

I have an A.I. that I built into my computer... and I call her SAL-9000... in memory of her brother... HAL-9000! (Who was unfortunately destroyed... while in orbit around Jupiter!)

Anyway... I notice a correlation between average I.Q.s and voting habits down in the good ol' U.S. of A... so I wanted to see what this would look like on a graph or chart! 


This machine might be smarter... 
Than I imagined!!!!!
(But still lacks a Soul!)


Tuesday, 29 October 2024


 Here it is, boys and girls. The Perspective Research Department conducted a comprehensive survey of over 100,000 American voters and reached this "not so startling" conclusion!!!!!!!


Wednesday, 15 February 2023

How do we stop Democrats from pulling another hoax like COVID 19 on us in the future?


The best thing to do is to start wholeheartedly rejecting the liberal “science-based” agenda:

  • Stop getting vaccinated for anything.
  • Stop submitting to so-called “preventative health” screenings.
  • Do not allow your body to be subjected to x-rays, an MRI, or chemotherapy.
  • Say no to prescription medications. Our grandparents did fine with aspirin so don’t buy into fancy drugs like insulin or penicillin.
  • Do not drink fluoridated water. Do not drink “filtered” water. And absolutely do not drink bottled water!
  • Stop wearing a seatbelt, and don’t buy into the hype about motorcycle helmets, safety harnesses, safety goggles, or other protective gear.
  • Avoid pasteurized dairy products.
  • Forget the “organic” method of lawn and garden care. Spray whatever pesticides you want, and never ever wear protective gear.

If everyone who wants to stop the liberal agenda would commit to doing these simple things, we could make this country a much better place in the span of a single generation!

Randy Weir.

Friday, 2 July 2021

U.S. Republicans Dying Off!

Republicans in the United States are slowly dying off because of their refusal to get a COVID vaccination! (New cases are surging in areas with low vaccination rates.)

The Delta variant, which is more contagious and more likely to cause severe disease, is partly responsible for that surge. 

It now accounts for more than 25 percent of new infections in the U.S.


Sunday, 4 April 2021

There's something rotten going on!

 Dear Friends: As an unbiased Canadian observer (and last honest broker) I have noticed more and more articles exposing the corruption of morals and common decency within the Republican party at all levels of American society.

There might not be something rotten in Denmark..., but there certainly is in the United States of America:

Guest post by R Muse:

If there was any doubt that Republicans are fascists working fervently behind the scenes to establish a one-party rule, an “incendiary” article in an ultra-right-wing publication should dispel any misconception that conservatives support America or its increasingly fragile democracy.

The right-wing publication “American Mind” is the product of the Claremont Institute that is described as “an influential conservative think tank.” A more apt description is a fascist organization intent on decimating America’s democracy and replacing it with an ultra-far-right political movement.

In fact, the “incendiary essay” mentioned above argues that “America has been destroyed by internal enemies” who “do not believe in, live by, or even like the principles, traditions and ideas that until recently defined America as a nation and as a people.” 

Of course, the essay’s author, Glenn Ellmers, is referring to what he labels as most people living in America who “are non-Americans." (NON-WHITE!) 

Ellmers is talking about anyone who opposes the GOP’s undemocratic machinations and a crusade to establish a fascist one-party rule.

As Zack Beauchamp over at Vox noted:

Up until recently, the right-wing rebellion against American democracy is often subtle, expressing itself through ‘tricky changes to election law’ without a full-throated acknowledgment of what [GOP] lawmakers are actually doing. But sometimes, the mask slips – and someone in the conservative movement openly tells you what’s really going on.”

The essay in American Mind is openly informing Americans “what’s really going on,” and it is very telling that everything horrible many Americans were warning was in the offing with the rise of Trumpism is absolutely true.

It isn’t that Republicans started doing anything new with Trump’s rise, but everything contrary to maintaining a strong democratic society became part and parcel of the official GOP movement and its now-flagrant drive towards fascism: particularly the demonization of anything resembling opposition to the radical conservative movement.

According to Ellmers, the conservative brand doesn’t really capture what the new, fascist American right should be about. In his mind “conservatism implies preserving or protecting something already in place,” but he claims that there is next to nothing worth saving.

Echoing Trump, Ellmers writes:

“The US Constitution no longer works. What is actually required now is a recovery, or a refounding, of America as it was long and originally understood but which now exists only in the hearts and minds of a minority of citizens.” (author bold)

Ellmers doesn’t even attempt to conceal the fact that it is a “minority of citizens” who should control  and protect America from “most of America” he claims are “non-Americans or alien Americans.” And it is noteworthy that he did not mean cultural minorities; he meant Americans who support democracy. And if that MAGA minority has to destroy democracy to implement their fascist rule, then so be it. He writes:

Our norms are now hopelessly corrupt and need to be destroyed. It has been like this for a while—and the MAGA voters knew it.In almost every case, the political practices, institutions, and even rhetoric governing the United States have become hostile to both liberty and virtue.”

This divisive demonization of any American who fails to support the fascism Ellmers is pontificating about is pure Trump, with valuable aid from his fascist supporters in Congress.

They have taken the “them against us” mindset to a dangerous level in claiming “real Americans must recognize the nefarious forces destroying America; the progressive, or woke, or ‘antiracist’ agenda that now corrupts our republic.” 

That is pure fascist rhetoric and while it was always subtle prior to Trump, it is now mainstream.

Prior to sending his seditious insurrectionists to overthrow the legal government on January 6, Trump implied their America’s existence was at stake saying:

“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

In 2019, Republican Senator Josh Hawley warned real Americans:

We have come again to one of the great turning points in our national history, when the fate of our republican government is at issue.”

And in 2020, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy stated:

Democrats want to defund, destroy, and dismantle our country.”

Creating an enemy of the people is a purely fascist machination to garner support for destroying democracy necessary to create a fascist one-party rule. Republicans in the states are doing their part by passing voter suppression legislation that has nothing whatsoever to do with election security.  In fact, Georgia’s fascist governor admitted as much on tape saying the Republican legislation disenfranchising democratic voters “has nothing to do with potential fraud, it is dealing with the mechanics of the election.”

He is right, creating an election mechanism that suppresses minority votes is not about fraud; it is ultimately about guaranteeing that one party rule will reach fruition

Many Americans were aware that the rise of Trump was a serious threat to democracy. And they knew that coupled with Republican attempts to suppress votes that did not support Trump’s aspirations to be a fascist dictator represented an existential threat to democracy.

However, until now they most likely never expected any Republican or conservative organization to openly reject democracy leading one to wonder if “most Americans” will comprehend that there really is such an existential threat to the nation’s fragile democracy that Republican fascism is no longer a conspiratorial threat because it is already here. 

Some supporters of Donald Trump had a rude awakening after realizing they were donating more money than they intended to the former president’s failed reelection campaign. The Trump campaign had been deceptively making supporters file for recurring donations rather than one-time payments, according to a report in the New York Times. (Trump has to give back $122 MILLION!)

Saturday, 3 April 2021

Biblical Plague Ready to Strike United States!

The next few weeks will be a terrible time to live in the north-east United States since God is about to unleash a plague on the Republicans for their evil ways! 

For 17 years, cicadas do very little. They hang out in the ground, sucking sugar out of tree roots. Then, following this absurdly long hibernation, they emerge from the ground, sprout wings, make a ton of noise, have sex, and die within a few weeks. Their orphan progeny will then return to the ground and live the next 17 years in silence.

Over the next several weeks, billions of mid-Atlantic cicadas will hear the call of spring and emerge from their cozy bunkers. This year’s group, born in 2004, is known as Brood X. They’ll start their journey to the surface when soil temperatures reach around 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fortunately, as you can see from the map, there will be no cicada's in Canada as the Customs Services closed the entire border and wouldn't let them into the country!

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Republicans cheer parts of COVID bill they voted against!

 In what has to be the height of hypocrisy there are dozens and dozens of Republican politicians in the United States that are now cheering parts of the COVID relief bill as if it was their own....., while EVERY SINGLE Congressman and Senator voted AGAINST IT!

Once again I am so glad we live up here in the frozen north (sic) where it's too cold for these sorts of shenanigans!

The way I see it anyway!

Sunday, 28 March 2021

There is nothing wrong with the 60% rule!

 Politicians in the United States are too stupid to realize that the 60% rule to pass legislation in the U.S. Senate is not the problem. (Or they are deliberately blind.)

The problem lies in the fact that legislators are voting the party line instead of voting their conscience and since the Republican party is currently corrupt, unethical and unscrupulous there is not much chance of getting anything done since the Hard Right is intent on opposing anything put forward by the Democrats no matter what it is!

This has been Republican party policy since the Obama administration when there was a "nigger" [sic] in the White House, and it doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon.

Perhaps the only remedy for the United States is to start a third party called the "Independents!" or the "Libertarians" at the Federal, State and Local levels!

The way I see it anyway!

Thursday, 4 March 2021

It's all in the numbers!

 A recent poll by Economist/YouGov contained a telling and troubling piece of data. 

The poll asked respondents to consider, "Which comes closest to your view?"

 Here were the two very different options:

 1. "Our lives are threatened by terrorists, criminals, and illegal immigrants and our priority should be to protect ourselves."

 2. "It's a big, beautiful world, mostly full of good people, and we must find a way to embrace each other and not allow ourselves to become isolated."

It may or may not come as a surprise but the top question (#1) was favoured by more Republican's and the bottom question (#2) was picked by more Democrats!

Makes sense to me. 

The way I see it anyway! 

Monday, 1 February 2021

Good ol' American Republicans!

Solar and wind power, as of this writing, is now as cheap (?) as oil or natural gas but there are still five (5) States where solar power is ILLEGAL!

Naturally, these are the Republican States where they are protecting oil and natural gas!!!!!

Oh, by the way, everybody still raves about their hero Ronald Reagan and his trickle-down theory of wealth distribution. What they don't remember, (if they ever knew it) was that these tax cuts were paid for by applying income tax to social security payments! 

That's right kids before that seniors were not TAXED on their old-age pension in the United States!

Well what did you expect, the money had to come from somewhere..., just like the two(2) TRILLION dollars in tax breaks Trump gave to big business..., that came right out of the pockets of the American middle class!

There ain't no free lunch for Joe Schmo and his family folks, but there is a banquet for the company he works for!

The way I see it anyway!

Tuesday, 26 January 2021


 SHUT DOWN FOX TV NEWS! (Let the FCC pull their license!)

That's all folks! 

No reasons other than those you already know are needed. 

No sins that were great or small were left by the wayside. 

No characterizations or depictions of adversaries were overlooked.

No portrayal of nefarious deeds by the opposition was left unsaid.

No narrative of blasphemous attributes went unspoken. 

No confessions of scandalous proportions were neglected nor went unnoticed! 

Not one single dastardly deed performed in the interests of advancing the Alt-Right agenda was left unattributed to the Democrats!


Everything those S.O.Bs. did was turned around and blamed on the "Radical Socialist Left," and then reported as such with a mock sense of incredulity and outrage!


The way I see it anyway!

Thursday, 14 January 2021

Get rid of Fox News and Rush Limburger!

 There was a time in the United States where news organizations had to give fair and balanced accounts of the news they reported or risk the wrath of the Federal Communications Corporation (FCC) but those days are long gone. Now they can make any claim and report any lie they wish since 2011 and the only one who has taken this to extremes is Fox TV News and most of the right-wing radio hosts!

These SOBs will say and do anything for ratings and have perpetuated lies like "the election was rigged and Trump really won the Presidency, but it's being denied by the Democrats!"

With Fox News in the lead, they have completely polarized the American public and elevated Donald Trump to a cult status that will take years to fix.

Aside from cancelling the broadcast license of right-wing media, this is another reason the United States needs a third political party like the Libertarians or Independents on the Federal, State and local levels.

The way I see it anyway!

Thursday, 31 December 2020

A new broom for 2021

 On this last day of 2020 (Yipee!)) I would like to call for the removal of the broadcast license of Fox Cable News and most of the other Right Wing broadcast outlets!

Their disingenuous portrayal of politics has reached disgusting levels and just today I found blatant examples of Right-Wing propaganda that made my head spin and my stomach churn!

I have my TV set up o that I can switch back and forth between MSNBC on the left and CNN in the middle and FOX news somewhere in the Twilight Zone way over on the right of the political spectrum..., and while I was watching them I noticed that MSNBC and CNN were covering the pandemic and the new strain of covid-19 and the possible collapse of the hospital system in L.A. county and a third vaccine (Astrazeneca) about to come online and the failure to distribute the vaccine in the individual States..., and on and on!

Meanwhile, over at FOX cable news, most of the morning was devoted to GOP efforts to hire election observers to combat the obvious fraud about to occur at the Georgia Senate race next Wednesday, as well as the rejection of the new covid bill in the Senate that would put $2000 in the hands of most Americans.

One interesting point about the covid bill dialogue in the Senate was when Mitch McCan't gave reasons why they couldn't approve the extra money for those disadvantaged by the virus.

Chuck Surely then got up and started to lambast the Republicans for denying Americans $2000 relief money because of the pandemic..., while giving corporations over two (2) TRILLION dollars in tax breaks last year!  (As soon as it became obvious where Schumer was going with his speech they cut the 'feed' and went right back to the news desk!) 



My wish for 2021 is that all those lying S.O.B.'s on the Far-Right 'burn in hell' for all the lies they are telling! 

The way I see it anyway!

Monday, 21 December 2020

Oh to sink so low!

  This is one of the reasons I am so glad I'm a Canadian and not an American.

Those fuckers in the Republican Party, as one of their MANY sins, kept downplaying the severity of the COVID pandemic and the necessity of getting a vaccination... yet when it came time to get their own shots they were like Trump when he pushed Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic out of the way:

Over the weekend, senators Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio posted photos of themselves getting inoculated on the very same Twitter accounts they downplayed the coronavirus and encouraged unsafe gatherings.

 Actor Billy Baldwin probably coined it best: “Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio getting COVID-19 vaccinations first is the equivalent of men who dressed as women in order to escape the sinking Titanic.”

Television host Elizabeth Vargas wrote Sunday, “I have tweeted about how moving it was to see all those doctors and nurses getting these first vaccines. It still is. But I am also angry watching lawmakers who denigrated the dangers of this virus and mocked mask-wearing, now lining up to get one before my 84 yr old dad can.”

"Just another example of how low the Republicans have sunk folks!"

The way I see it anyway!

Sunday, 20 December 2020


 If you are wondering why my blood pressure goes up at the mere mention of the Republican Party... let me give you this piece of news as an example:

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is pushing to let businesses and governments deny sick leave to workers who fall ill with COVID-19.

The Republicans are solely to blame for the delay in the new coronavirus protection deal because they keep throwing in stuff to protect businesses... and take out things that help ordinary people who are suffering from the coronavirus... whether it be from infection or from the effects of the disease on the economy!  

They need to go or a third political party (Libertarians?) has to be formed if the United States ever wants to get back to normal again!

The way I see it anyway!

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Most New Coronavirus Patients are Republicans!

 Last weekend we had the Perspective Research Department do a quick survey of a bunch of Americans... and we were amazed to find out that 2/3 of all the coronavirus sufferers were Republicans!

What's more, if you only count the adults between the age of 20 and 60 this jumps up to 3/4 of all patients surveyed. 

SO! The Corollary of these statistics means the while the Republicans have to resort to gerrymandering, voter suppression and all sorts of lying, cheating and stealing to get votes...... all the Democrats have to do is keep telling the republicans not to wear a mask!

The way I see it anyway!

Friday, 27 November 2020

Have lame duck US Presidents ever acted in ways that harmed the country more than trump?


No. And every single God Damned Republican should be picking up their phones and calling their representatives and demanding they put an end to this now. 

They should be flooding their offices with letters. 

Their inboxes with emails. 

Their steps with disappointed constituents. 

They gave us Trump. 

They knew the damage a narcissistic buffoon could do. And would do if put in this position. 

They need to put this country first. America first. 

They need to demand their guy get out. 


And then throw him in jail!

David Wheeler.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Only one thing to do with the Republicans!

This is sort of a mish-mash of stuff that has gone through my brain in the last few hours so there is no specific time frame to put it in.

Just the same every point can stand on its own and so let's start:

- I thought James Comey was responsible for Trump's win in 2016 because he screwed around with the investigation of Clinton's emails..... but after seeing the documentary of him last night on HBO I can see that he had no choice but to play it the way he did!

- Obama is actually responsible for Trump being in the White House because of the embarrassment he subjected Drumpf to during a White House press dinner several years before. Trump hates being ridiculed and Obama gave him such a shit-kicking that Donald vowed to punish Barack till his dying day... and ran for President to get even!

- I just learned that not only did the Republicans stall the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016, but if Hillary Clinton had won the election they would have blocked any nominations until (A) a Republicans won the White House or (B) the Republicans lost the Senate!

- The Republican Party has totally lost its moral compass and now operates under the decree that anything is permissible whether its legal, illegal, moral, corrupt or disreputable as long as it serves to prolong their hold on power... so in other words... anything goes!

- The only way to fix the Republican party is to totally dismantle it in the next election and slowly build it up again with a set of moral guidelines! (This includes replacing almost everyone in the Republican Party with fresh faces!)

Joe Biden has suggested bringing things back to a "bi-partisan" level and this would be suicide for the Democrats...! 

They have to finally take a page from the Republican rule-book [sic] and treat their opponents with the same callous disregard and contempt they were subjected to by the Right Wing over the past fifty years if they wish to set things right again!

The way I see it anyway!

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Pick One!

 Sitting here on a Sunday night I can't help but wonder what is going to happen in the United States over the next short while. 

Although there are dozens of directions within the realm of possibility, when  I take the worst case scenario and the best case scenario I can only come up with these two situations!

Worst case scenario: The Republicans appoint a new member to the Supreme Court and then Trump wins the election and the Senate stays in Republican hands! 

Are ya ready for this?

Early next year the supreme Court overturns the Affordable Care Act and tens of millions are left without health insurance since the Republicans don't really have anything to replace it..., in spite of what Drumpf said!


-Rowe vs Wade is overturned and abortion becomes illegal across the United States!

-Trump is not required to hand over his tax returns!

-More religious exemptions and advantages permitted!

-Elimination of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau!

-More relaxed laws for drilling and fracking!

Suspension of all sorts of personal freedoms!

-Higher taxes for individuals while corporations are taxed less!

Folks this is just a partial list and I don't want to take up too much space so we will leave it there!


If Biden wins and the Democrats don't take the Senate - NOTHING HAPPENS! (No, really, nothing in the Federal Government happens for the next four years!)


If Biden wins and the Democrats win the Senate: Joe and his buddies will spend the next four years undoing all the stupid and downright dangerous shit that Drumpf and HIS buddies did during the previous four years!

The way I see it anyway!