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Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aliens. Show all posts

Friday 9 December 2022

Could alien life be so advanced as to not be recognized by humans?


The short answer is “yes”, but we also should ponder what is meant by “advanced”. Oftentimes, when people say an extraterrestrial life form may be more advanced, they mean simply that aliens might have cooler gadgets. However, we need to consider the possibility that the reason we haven’t come across extraterrestrial life is that it is more advanced than us on a far more fundamental level.

Consider the amoeba.

It is a simple unicellular organism that can divide, absorb nutrients, regulate its internal chemistry and die. However, it has no nervous system, no vision and only a limited range of functions for interacting with its environment.

Now consider the grasshopper.

A grasshopper is almost unimaginably advanced compared to the amoeba. It has specialized organs. It has a nervous system. With a brain even! It has eyes; it can see. It can mate with other members of the same species. A grasshopper can experience and interact with its environment in a way that would be completely unimaginable for an amoeba.

Now consider the human.

We are tremendously more advanced than grasshoppers. Our brains are infinitely more complex. Grasshoppers have no neural capacity to do what humans can do, which is to engage in abstract thought, enjoy art and music, make memories, solve multi-step problems, radically transform our environment, or create and use complex tools. It’s possible, even likely, that grasshoppers are on some level aware of humans — but there is no way for a grasshopper to comprehend what humans really are, much less to interact with us on our level.

Is there another level though? Is it possible there is another organism, another entity, which is as advanced over us as we’re advanced over grasshoppers? We think of ourselves as an intelligent species and the pinnacle of how complex a life form can get. But if we were wrong about this … how could we even know?

There is a 1998 animated comedy Antz, which illustrates this point nicely. (Yeah, did you know Woody Allen voiced a character in an animated film? Stallone is in it, too.)

The movie is, not surprisingly, about a colony of ants. These ants have real civilization with a complex, well-organized society. They work, they rest, they fight for power and control. They are an intelligent species who believe themselves, as one character puts it, “the lords of the Earth”. They have capacity for abstract thought, and a tendency to ponder existential matters. But: despite the fact that these ants constantly bump into humans and man-made things, they simply lack the ability to understand what it is they encounter. At the end of the movie, it is revealed that the ant colony exists beneath an overfilled garbage can in the middle of Central Park — one of the most densely populated urban environments on the planet. And yet, the ants are completely unaware of us, our society and our civilization, except for the dimmest observations (food wrap is “some kind of force field”; light concentrated through a magnifying glass is “this is so beautiful”; pretty much everything else is “what the hell is this”).

This is the scary “point” of the movie: the ants are us. It is quite possible we too are sitting in the middle of someone’s garbage heap, unable to comprehend an advanced civilization and an infinitely complex society all around us, our brain power only sufficient to come up with terms like “dark energy” and “dark matter” for things that, for a more advanced organism, are perhaps obvious and mundane; “lords of the Earth” lacking the neural capacity to comprehend that society’s thoughts and culture, or indeed to even take notice of it.

We think of ourselves as not only an intelligent species but the intelligent species. Plenty of scientists believe we are alone in the universe, simply because no one has dropped in for a chat. But the scary possibility is that perhaps there’s chatter all around us; we just can’t understand the signals.

Kate Stoneman

Friday 14 January 2022

“Have we been visited by extraterrestrials?”


According to some people we have, but I am not in possession of first hand knowledge about the Nordics, Pleiadians, Reptilians, or other types of aliens from outer space. 

Fortunately with the internet, you can explore this question and discover many different views on the subject.

There is, however, one alien race that I know about and that is the Alien Overlords. Their physical morphology is very similar to that of the Humans of Earth with some subtle differences. The hairs on their heads are actual electromagnetic bio-organic wires that can generate and detect electromagnetic waves, which allows them to communicated in a semi-telepathic manner. 

Their hair color is usually blond or red due to the fact that their blood uses auroglobin and cuproglobin as well as hemoglobin to carry oxygen. This is why they like blond human females so much. Although females with dark hair are considered to be quite exotic since that is not a very common trait among them.

They like to conquer planets through subterfuge without war. This way they can exploit a planet’s wealth potential without destruction or violence. It’s a win for them and the natives are unaware. They are very smart and energetic, and live a lot longer than Earth humans.

Their plans for Earth have advanced far enough that one of them is now the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth. There is no need to submit since you have already been conquered by the Alien Overlords without even knowing about it.

Tom Graves: Ph.D Linguistics, Poet and Professor.

Thursday 30 December 2021

How would we respond to the discovery of aliens?

 Guest Post by Erin Snodgrass:

A rabbi, a priest, and an imam walk into a research program funded by NASA to talk about the intersection of God and aliens.

It's not the start of a religious joke. It's precisely what happened at Princeton University's Center for Theological Inquiry in 2016 when two dozen theologians gathered to participate in a program partially funded by NASA to research how humans might respond to the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

  • NASA partially funded a program to study the intersection of religion and possible alien life.

  • Theologians examined how world religions would react to the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

  • They found that adherents of religion may be more prepared for otherworldly company.

One of the religious scholars who participated in the program, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Davison of the University of Cambridge, told The Times UK earlier this month that he was one of 24 experts examining the existential question from 2016 to 2017.

Will Storrar, the director of the Center for Theological Inquiry, told The Times that NASA was interested in producing "serious scholarship" addressing the "profound wonder and mystery and implication of finding microbial life on another planet."

A NASA spokesperson told The Hill that the agency's astrobiology program provided partial funding in the form of a $1.1 million grant to the Center for Theological Inquiry from 2015 to 2017. The spokesperson said NASA was not involved in selecting the study's researchers.

Davison, whose own work involves studying how astrobiology and Christianity interconnect, told the outlet that he and his fellow participants considered how followers of major religions might react to the discovery of aliens.

Their findings suggested that adherents of religion could be more prepared for otherworldly company, and that those who weren't already indebted to a religious movement could be tempted to seek one out should aliens make their presence known.

"The headline findings are that adherents of a range of religious traditions report that they can take the idea in their stride," Davison wrote in "Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine," a forthcoming book that touches on his time during the program, reported The Times, which obtained portions of the book.

Davison also wrote in the book, which is set to be released in 2022, that the nonreligious community tended to "overestimate the challenges that religious people" might face if evidence of extraterrestrial life were discovered.

Davison said a "large number of people would turn to their religious traditions for guidance" in the event of a universe-expanding discovery.

Other religious experts, including a rabbi, an imam, and an Anglican priest, agreed, telling The Times that their respective faiths and followers would likely persist, even in the face of aliens.

Detection of alien life "might come in a decade or only in future centuries or perhaps never at all," Davison wrote, "but if or where it does, it will be useful to have thought through the implications in advance."

Erin Snodgrass

Saturday 7 August 2021

Saturday Morning Confusion About Aliens!

 O.K. kids, here was the question: "Did the US actually admit that aliens are real?"


NO. The recent military report concluded “all options are on the table” to explain the UFO sightings but it did not state aliens might be involved.

Fermi’s Paradox is still valid for scientists. Dr. Fermi questioned: Why have no aliens been detected anywhere in the Universe when mathematically the odds are overwhelming that aliens should exist?

Obviously, had the military stated aliens were not being considered would put them in the untenable position of “proving” aliens do not exist.

Saturday 26 June 2021

Saturday Morning Confusion About UFOs!

 There is something wrong with all these UFO sightings folks!

We have optical devices that can do this:


 If the military has the best optical devices around why do they always look like this:


 Maybe we need this:


Monday 14 June 2021

What U.F.Os?

 The U.S. Defense Department has announced it will release a report on “unidentified aerial phenomena” (UAPs) this month which is what people who want to sound grown-up say instead of “unidentified flying objects.” (UFOs)

If we really want to look at them as grow-ups we should realize that other planets with advanced civilizations are too far away for anyone to ever get here and time travel is impossible, so they don't come from away or whenever!

Aside from that, with today's fantastic technology, how come the only pictures we can get of U.F.Os. are all fuzzy and lacking sharp details?

How about using some of those binoculars that see for miles and miles?

 Yup, the reason we think we see U.F.Os. is because of what HAL the computer said on 2001 A Space Odessy.......... "It can be directly attributed to human error!"

The way I see it anyway!

Wednesday 3 February 2021


Joe Biden already has a problem with Trump supporters still in government! It turns out that a lot of the people Drumpf put in charge of things immediately hired people who sympathized with him on some of his most outrageous policies!

This is not good!

The latest example is from the Department of Homeland Security where I.C.E. agents who agreed with Drumpf's "get tough" policy on immigrants are now firmly entrenched in their departments and getting them out is going to be difficult! (To say the least!)

In the long run, it doesn't matter what the boss wants you to do folks..., if you don't agree there are plenty of ways to get around his orders!


Thursday 10 December 2020

Moon Base Alpha!

 NASA has just released photos of the Chinese moon-lander that was taken with a high-resolution camera:


That's not the BIG news kids!

An amateur astronomer has just discovered a 700 foot long and 150-foot wide anomaly on the Lunar surface:

David Martines noticed a mysterious rectangular structure that appears to be on the Red Planet's surface while trolling the planetary surface using Google Mars, a new map program created from compiled satellite images of the planet.

"This is a video of something I discovered on Google Mars quite by accident," said Martines, the armchair astronaut, in a now-viral YouTube video. "I call it Bio Station Alpha because I'm just assuming that ALIENS lived in it."

NOTE: Has Martines really found evidence of alien life, or a secret space base, as he and some media sources are claiming? No, say experts: "Bio Station Alpha" is simply a glitch in the image caused by cosmic energy interfering with the camera.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Another Mysterious Monolith Appears In Romania

 Well folks, we just might have evidence of ALIENS after-all!

The original monolith appeared before a tribe of apes a few million years ago on the plains of Africa. 

Some of the apes touched it and... it somehow made them smarter... smart enough to invent a club as a weapon... and start them on the long slow climb to technology.

Then in the modern year of 2001 scientists discovered a source of energy from a location on the moon... so they went and dug down into the Lunar soil to find out what it was.. and discovered another buried monolith.

When the astronauts touched this one it sent a powerful signal out to the edge of our solar system! Scientists discovered the signal was sent to Jupiter and we naturally had to build a spaceship to go out and see what was out there.

After they got there (and managed to kill their insane ship-board mainframe computer during the voyage) they found... ANOTHER MONOLITH!

This monolith sent the last remaining astronaut to a mysterious place where there was:

This is where the astronaut dies in that bed and is re-born as: A CHILD OF THE UNIVERSE!


But it's not!

A couple of weeks ago (Here in 2020) hikers discovered a giant monolith out in the desert of Utah!


Two days ago it disappeared... only to re-appear on a hillside in Romania!!!!!!

Something tells me this story isn't over yet!

The way I see it anyway!