Some people have opinions, and some people have convictions......! What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

(For example!)


Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts

Monday, 27 January 2025

Hell no... we won't go!


If Trump’s brainfart to annex Canada becomes a real thing then non-MAGA American states such as California should fight to become provinces of Canada where books are read and not burnt, women decide what to do with their bodies, healthcare is universal, medicine is cheap and no one falls out of the social security net as is the case in ‘dog eat dog’ America.

George from California!

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

The cost of health care in the States!

 This is a graph of what health care costs in a bunch of countries!

Every one of these countries has universal health care except the United States! (By the way, prescription drugs [not shown] are even more expensive in the States!)

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Saturday Morning Confusion: Canada does NOT have free healthcare!

 This past year I had trouble with the Mitral valve in my heart and had to get it repaired last summer.

Prior to this, and for quite a while after, I made frequent trips to the hospital for tests and consultations... and although none of this cost anything I quickly figured out how it was all paid for!

Hospital parking!

Not once did I go to the hospital without paying what seemed like hundreds of dollars to park my car... and I'm sure this is where they get the money to pay for all those operations and doctor's visits!

Just remember folks, the next time they talk about our health care system here in Canada being free... "there is no free lunch!" (Or parking)

The Way I see it anyway!

Sunday, 20 September 2020

When Americans criticize the Canadian healthcare system.


When Americans criticize the Canadian healthcare system I just smile and try to explain that most of what they have been told about our healthcare is lies. 

We can and do go to the doctor we choose and we can see as many doctors as we like for the same ailment.

 We have no deductibles on anything when we see a doctor or go into a hospital.

 Everything is covered . There are no extra hidden charges.

 There are sometimes waits for non life threatening services, but never for serious cases requiring immediate attention.

 No one and I mean absolutely no one ever worries about getting into debt because of healthcare cost because there is no cost. It is covered by the taxes we pay.

 Our taxes in Canada are lower than American taxes if you are working class or middle class. However rich people pay more tax in Canada than rich people pay in the US.

 The Canadian system is not run for profit. Doctors are generally very honest and are greatly trusted and respected.

 I have never heard a case where surgery has resulted in a botched job or a doctor has recommended unneeded surgery or tests.

Doctors in Canada do not own test labs and diagnostic machines so they don’t profit from them and they don’t prescribe them to make money.

 Doctors in Canada make a salary from the government about 180 thousand to 200 thousand a year. They don’t have a massive debt to pay back for medical school.

 Universities are affordable for most people but are higher than they used to be. I winter in Florida for 6 months a year and I hear about the high cost of medical insurance about $1600 a month for a family of 4.

 Then an additional copay of around $300to $400 a month. There are also deductibles up to a certain amount before you get the benefit of your healthcare.

 My neighbor has a $3000 deductible which means every time she visits her doctor she has to pay money until her deductible is met.

This means that many people avoid seeing a doctor even when they are sick because it costs them more money and sometimes they die because serious problems go undetected until it is too late.

I constantly hear complaints from neighbors that their doctor sends them for tests like MRI’s every month.]

I have heard many stories about botched surgeries requiring followup surgery.

 But most of all I see the constant worry that healthcare costs cause for Floridians especially as they get older.

So getting back to the original question “ What do Canadians think when Americans criticize the Canadian healthcare system?

 We think we are damn lucky!

Carol King
 Retired Teacher.

NOW: Here is why the cons to universal health care are wrong!

- Pay for others health care because you could be one of the "others" at any time. It's the same as insurance!

- That's a stupid answer... people don't need incentives... they either are..., or they aren't!

- Wait time are longer for non emergency universal health care... but they more than make up for it with lower personal financial costs!

The present system used in the U.S. is only good if you're rich!