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Showing posts with label Harry and Meghan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harry and Meghan. Show all posts

Friday 16 August 2024

Big Trouble in Little Balmoral!

According to "The Mrs. Herself" all the British Royals are getting together next week at Balmoral Castle in Scotland (My wife is Scottish... if ya haven't guessed by now!) for some sort of a "get-together" as a planning session for the direction the 'Royal Family' (The Firm) should take over the next decade!

BUT! Don't kid yourselves kids... this IS NOT the reason for this happy little "pow-wow" out in the woods... NO SIR! (With apologies to the King!)

Ya see folks... it's really about Harry and Vegan... and how THEY MUST BE STOPPED!

These two... with their stupid 'publicity' antics... are doing great damage to the Royal Family.  Rumour has it that "The King" (Charles) is considering kicking Harry out of the Firm and cancelling his "Dukedom!" (Harry is currently the Duke of Sussex, as well as being an Earle and a Baron!)

This would make Harry an ordinary citizen!


Here's the problem folks...!

Harry has admitted that outside of being "Royalty" the only skills he has are what he learned in the British Air Force!

Not only that... but the second that he's no longer "Royalty" Vegan Markle will be off like a shot!!!!!

This will leave our hapless hero with nowhere to go, (since he can never go back to England again!) and nothing to do! 


After everything is said and done in this whole lugubrious affair... Harry will end up flying a traffic helicopter in Vancouver, Canada!

Probably at the same station I worked at 50 years ago, Vancouver's #1 rocker, CKLG 730!

Last I heard it was 'All Day News and Traffic' which means Harry could get a job there!)