This might not interest too many people who read this blog but it needs to be said in case I'm right!
Scientists claim that dark matter and dark energy make up about 95% of the Universe but we can't find it, see it, hear it or feel it!
That's because it's in the higher dimensions of our Universe. (There are 11 dimensions and we don't know anything about any dimension higher than the three we can see!)
Light and mass are not detectable in the higher dimensions... BUT THE GRAVITY IS... because this bends space-time across all dimensions!
The next time you're at some fancy-smancy cocktail party and you hear some scientist talking about the missing matter in the Universe... just casually mention that it's all jammed into the higher dimensions and that's why we can only see the effects of it's gravity!
Then calmly walk away with a smug look on your face!
The way I see it anyway!