I just saw a program on TV that explained what Quantum Computing is... and how it works! (And it was even understandable for a dummy like me!)
First, we have a picture of a normal computer solving a maze by trial and error! When it runs into a dead-end... it backtracks and goes in another direction, etc. etc! (A very long and complicated way to solve this maze!)
BUT! Quantum computing does things in a whole new way!
It looks at ALL the possible routes at the same time:
While it sees all the routes at the same time... it also marks where the "dead-ends" are! (It figures out which way to go because it knows ALL the routes and can see the best way to go IMMEDIATELY!)NOTE: The supercomputer solving a maze the "old fashioned way..." and the new quantum computer doing it the "new way..." both arrived at the same correct answer..... it's just that the quantum computer did it about a BILLION times faster!