Some people have opinions, and some people have convictions......! What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

(For example!)


Sunday 27 August 2023

Sunday Morning Funnies!

An Englishman, a German and a Frenchman are good friends and go on a sailing trip in the Caribbean. 

Unluckily, they get caught in a storm, the boat is smashed on a reef, and they just barely manage to swim to shore. They are miles from anywhere, there’s no one around, the rain is pouring down and the wind is howling. 

They huddle together on the beach, wet, cold, miserable and exhausted. 

Eventually, Wolfgang gets up and says, “Sehr gut my friends, I shall for rocks and branches looking go and for us a shelter to construct.” 

Then Thierry stands and says, “Eh bien mes amis, I will search some fruits and some berries and maybe we can eat somesing.” 

 They both look down expectantly at Bob, who leans back on his elbows and says: 

“You two can do what you like... but I’m not working in these conditions.”

Guy walks into a bar. Tells the bartender to set ’em up for the house and tells the bartender to have one himself. The bartender presents the guy with the bill. The guy says, “I ain't got no money🤔”. The bartender bum-rushes the guy out the door and throws him into the street.

Next night, same guy walks in and and tells the bartender to set up doubles for the house and says to the bartender “Just to show I ain't got no hard feelings about last night, pour yourself a double too🙂”. The bartender presents the guy with the bill. The guy says, “I told you last night, I ain't got no money😕!” “Why you dirty SOB” says the bartender as he once again tosses the guy into the street.,

Next night, the guy's back. “Set up triples for the house”, he says, “but, no, no, not for you”. “Why not me”, says the bartender. “Because, you get mean when you drink!!”

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