Some people have opinions, and some people have convictions......! What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

(For example!)


Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Friday 14 May 2021

WHY DO WE EXIST? (The meaning of life!)

 A couple of years ago I wrote an article about my book: "An Exploration of Religion" that took a look at "what it's all about!" (It's a book about "the meaning of life" and provides quite a few things to think about!!!!!!) -->


As far as I can tell (and I’ve spent fifty years thinking about it and then writing the book “An Exploration of Religion”) there are only two possible answers here!

The first answer (which is held by a large percentage of scientists) is that there is no reason..., and all is just by chance and for naught.

The second answer is that all living things are extensions of what we call Mother Nature (or God) and (God) is living vicariously through us to experience a physical reality with all its ups and downs and highs and lows as a source of entertainment!

Hence my term: “Consciousness is the physical manifestation of God within us!”

Now a lot of people might disagree with this..., but as I show in my book: “There is considerable empirical evidence to support this argument"


Sunday 21 March 2021


I spent the past several weeks revising and updating my book "An Exploration of Religion" and for anyone curious about the development of religion over the centuries and how this all ties in with scientific theories about our origins and development then I wholeheartedly urge you to give this book your attention!

For anyone more interested in just the disparate views between religion and science I have written a second book which is a condensation of the first book with some very important additions!

This book "What are the Chances!" looks at not only how we got here, but how we have managed to survive in a Universe that is not all that friendly to organic life. (Us!)

Either book is enjoyable reading and I hope you have a look at them and see how they correspond to your own outlook on life and living!

Allan W Janssen

An Exploration of Religion! 

What are the Chances!

Monday 1 March 2021

Get COVID..., or go to hell!

 THIS my friends, is why I don't like any form of organized religion:

New Orleans Archdiocese Asks Catholics to Avoid Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine!

Basically, they don't want their parishioners to get a life-saving vaccination against COVID 19 because they are using medicine derived from an aborted fetus back in 1970!

In a statement on Friday, the archdiocese noted that while deciding whether to receive the vaccine is an individual choice, that “the latest vaccine from Janssen/Johnson & Johnson is morally compromised as it uses the abortion-derived cell line in development and production of the vaccine as well as the testing.”

While a number of COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have used cells originally derived from an aborted fetus in the 1970s, the archdiocese argues that Johnson & Johnson “extensive use” is worse than that of Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which used the cells lines only to test their vaccines, according to Religion News Service. This makes the “connection to abortion … extremely remote,” in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the statement argues, recommending that Catholics choose one of those instead, if provided a choice.

Yes, boys and girls, ya might get COVID-19 and die because of a religious belief...,     BUT AT LEAST YA WON'T GO TO HELL! 

The way I see it anyway!

Sunday 27 December 2020

What are some things we can do in the US but not in Canada?

As a follow-up to yesterdays article about U.S. - Canada relations, here are some more thoughts from John smith:

What are some things we can do in the US but not in Canada?

  • Depending on the state, one thing you may be able to do in the U.S. that you can’t do in Canada is walk around with a gun. (See this photo below?) 
  • It’s of a man who walked into the Atlanta airport — the busiest in the U.S. — in 2015 with a loaded AR-15. He broke no laws. In Canada, he would have been arrested and charged, and probably would have had his guns and gun licence stripped from him. There are lots more things you can do in America that you cannot do in Canada with respect to guns, but I’ll leave it at that.
  • Publish and distribute hate speech. Hate speech targeting specific groups is illegal in Canada and punishable with a prison sentence. In the U.S., hate speech is still “free speech”. In Canada we have free speech, too, but as the saying goes, “the right for you to freely swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.”
  • Advertise prescription drugs on TV that make claims. Yes, there are pharmaceutical ads in Canada, but they are not allowed to even tell you what the medication is used for. This has resulted in rather funny and creative Viagra and Cialis ads
  • Have cameras in courtrooms. This is strictly against the law in Canada.
  • Openly talk about your religion in social settings. I have seen this in the U.S., but it’s not something people do in Canada — believe me, people will think you’re a bit weird and/or will be immediately put off by this. It’s considered to be extremely bad form.

Thursday 10 December 2020

The Real Problem with the United States of America!

 After extensive research and a lot of soul searching... I have come to the conclusion that the United States of America is suffering from a malady or malaise that is threatening to tear the country apart!

Oh, it's not the usual suspects like the Military-Industrial Complex or Big Pharma or the Health Care System or the Pandemic or Wall Street or the Insurance Industry or Gerrymandering or Voter Suppression or Climate Change or the Economy or Unemployment or Corporate Corruption or Election Reform or Lobbying or the Media or.... or... or... well I could go on and on, but you get a general idea of what I'm talking about!

No, my friends, the problem with the United States of America is not with "things" it's with the people themselves. 

The States has become a sick and divided country that is slowly rotting at the core and unless something is done to change the people (the culture) and their problems nothing will prevent America from sliding into oblivion... just as it happened to Rome over 1500 years ago!

As of this writing, there is a sizable percentage of the American population that has come under the spell of what we euphemistically call the cult of Trumpism, while there is also a big chunk of people that is revolting over the discrepancy between the rich and the poor. (While the rich have continued to get richer... the middle-class has remained stagnant for the past thirty-plus years!)

The American population also has a sizable chunk of minority groups mired in racism and poverty while the plight of the poor has also not improved in the last half-century. (More and more groups fall below the poverty line while the welfare state is slowly eroding from within!

There are big groups of people who believe in the propaganda spouted by Fox News and Rush Limberger as well as followers of QANON and Alex Jones of Info-Wars.

Need we mention that millions of gun owners who want to be able to intimidate anyone they want... and the religious movements that wish to prevent anyone from aborting a human fetus... but are all for capital punishment of grown-up humans!

There are countless individuals who are engaged in crime and violence while others are members of the underground drug culture. 

Fringe groups and mainstream movements dot the landscape with gay rights and LGBTQ awareness while ethics and moral/religious values decline... and fracture American Family Values!

After everything is said and done there are so many fringe and disparate groups that contribute to the general decline of the United States culture that we have been able to identify only one single, solitary family in the whole country that could still be considered somewhat normal.... and even that's a stretch!

The way I see it anyway!

(The Clark Griswald family while on vacation!)


Friday 28 August 2020

Blend in or you will suffer the consequences!

 This blog is in some ways about human folly and absurdity... and God only knows there is enough of that going around! 

When you combine religious convictions with personal and/or tribal regulations and customs things can get really wonky in no time at all kids!

Here in Canada we had a case a few years back where a Muslim father was protecting his family honour by drowning his 3 daughters in the Trent Canal. (I guess there was some perceived or real insult to both his religion and family reputation!)

Now this week we have an Iranian man who has been sentenced to nine years in jail for beheading his teenage daughter in her sleep. (Needless to say the mother wants him executed!)

The so-called "honour" killing of 14-year-old Romina Ashrafi on May 21 sparked widespread outrage, with media condemning "institutionalised violence" in the Islamic republic.

Media said Romina was decapitated at the family home in the village of Talesh in the northern province of Gilan.

While this crime is indeed horrific and many more have been perpetrated in the name of religion, it is always done through a fear and mistrust of what we don't know folks. 

We have examples of extreme behaviour by all groups but there are also examples of unwarranted oppression just for the sake of someone being different! 

For example:

The average German during the 1930's didn't have a beef with the Jews. It was only through State sponsored persecution that they were vilified and eventually killed for their beliefs and customs! 

The Jews, meanwhile, hadn't really done anything wrong. 

They just followed their age old custom of keeping to themselves and resisting integration into mainstream society. (They were different!)

This, as it did down through the centuries, put them at odds with the establishment! 

It also gave rise to that timeless Jewish lament: "If we are God's chosen people... then maybe God should pick someone else for a while!"

The way I see it anyway!