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Sunday 27 December 2020

What are some things we can do in the US but not in Canada?

As a follow-up to yesterdays article about U.S. - Canada relations, here are some more thoughts from John smith:

What are some things we can do in the US but not in Canada?

  • Depending on the state, one thing you may be able to do in the U.S. that you can’t do in Canada is walk around with a gun. (See this photo below?) 
  • It’s of a man who walked into the Atlanta airport — the busiest in the U.S. — in 2015 with a loaded AR-15. He broke no laws. In Canada, he would have been arrested and charged, and probably would have had his guns and gun licence stripped from him. There are lots more things you can do in America that you cannot do in Canada with respect to guns, but I’ll leave it at that.
  • Publish and distribute hate speech. Hate speech targeting specific groups is illegal in Canada and punishable with a prison sentence. In the U.S., hate speech is still “free speech”. In Canada we have free speech, too, but as the saying goes, “the right for you to freely swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose.”
  • Advertise prescription drugs on TV that make claims. Yes, there are pharmaceutical ads in Canada, but they are not allowed to even tell you what the medication is used for. This has resulted in rather funny and creative Viagra and Cialis ads
  • Have cameras in courtrooms. This is strictly against the law in Canada.
  • Openly talk about your religion in social settings. I have seen this in the U.S., but it’s not something people do in Canada — believe me, people will think you’re a bit weird and/or will be immediately put off by this. It’s considered to be extremely bad form.

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