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(For example!)


Monday 8 March 2021

What impact has the reduction of the white population had on Canada?


There is no reduction of white people in Canada. White people are not dying off or leaving the country in large numbers. Canada is still roughly 70% Caucasian.

What has changed is that there are generally more people in Canada and that increase in numbers is mostly attributed to immigration which means that the Canadian population is certainly diversifying.

Even if there were fewer white people, as in the Caucasian population was somehow decreasing, I cannot imagine I would care one bit. If white people have a negative population growth in Canada that is the product of their own choices. People are choosing to have fewer children, to partner and have kids with people who are of colour or perhaps go live abroad somewhere. Good for them. I am a strong supporter of free choice.

In the age of transcontinental travel and relocation, it is inevitable that all nations and populations will become more heterogeneous. From an evolutionary standpoint, this is incredibly healthy as it introduces greater diversity into the gene pool. Genetic diversity is the greatest protection against genetic disorders.

I don’t know why preserving the purity of the white race or any other is a priority? What so great about being white versus any other race or ethnicity? Particularly when you consider that the movement towards greater diversity and integration is indeed the choice of the white people you are so concerned about are dwindling away.

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