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Wednesday 7 July 2021

Buzz has got a bit of fuzz in his head!

 Buzz Aldrin is a Nassau astronaut who was the second person to walk on the moon and over the past few years he has gone a little nuts! (He's 91)

Poor old Buzz is now obsessed with Aliens and de-bunking the moon program. (Of which he was a part!!!!!)

Buzz Aldrin said that his photo on the Moon was “so well staged” – and conspiracy theorists everywhere are celebrating. Because even though some 600 million people watched Apollo 11 land on the Moon on July 20, 1969, the truth of that momentous achievement has long been debated. Some people have pointed out inconsistencies in the Moon landing photographs. Others have gone so far as to claim that director Stanley Kubrick faked the entire thing for NASA. But now, 50 years later, Aldrin has finally revealed the surprising facts about his time on the Moon.

Aldrin’s revelations about his Moon trip centered on one of the color shots taken on the mission. Neil Armstrong captured the image – and took all of the still photos on the Moon’s surface. This was for the simple reason that he was the one wielding the camera, a high-performance Hasselblad. That is, of course, if you believe that Aldrin and Armstrong actually made it to the Moon.

The main evidence that the astronauts did land on the Moon is their gallery of extraordinary images. For example, there’s the amazing shot of Aldrin standing by the Stars and Stripes, saluting his country’s flag flying improbably on the Moon’s surface. There’s the famous one of the first human footprints on the Moon. And, naturally, there are portraits of Aldrin. All that you would expect from the first people to visit the Moon, right?

But the so-called visor image is the one that has got people hot under the collar. In that picture of Aldrin facing the camera, we can actually clearly see Armstrong in the reflection of Aldrin’s helmet visor. Also visible in the reflection is the lunar landing module, Eagle

Yet when Aldrin was asked about this particular photo, he let slip the inconvenient truth. (The inconvenient truth was that some pictures were not good quality and they re-produced them in a movie studio to make them seem authentic.)

Now whether this is true or not is a matter of some debate, but remember that Aldrin also claims Aliens are living among us............, so ya gotta wonder is he has a screw loose somewhere!

The way I see it anyway! 


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