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Saturday 24 August 2024

As an American who actually moved to Canada, how would you rate the decision and why?

If you're in the 50% who are reasonably sane... your best bet would be to move north!!!!!!!!


I am pleased with the decision. My Canadian neighbourhood has been accepting and genuinely friendly. I have been more than pleasantly surprised at the healthcare system. 

It works much better than what I was used to in the States, and pharmaceuticals are far, far less expensive in Canada, in some instances by a multiple of 10 times less expensive. 

The taxes are certainly higher, of course, I pay full US taxes before “topping up” in Canada, but it is costing me more tax dollars. 

The healthcare system seems a fair offset though. Not being concerned about illness or injury costing me my 401K has been a big relief. 

This will become more of a factor in the future as I get older.

I really like Canadian Tire and the Beer Store. I don’t get the Tim Horton’s thing though, although I go there on occasion. 

A&W in Canada is also far better than in the US. I miss some college football coverage in Canada, but a new satellite dish will help solve that issue. 

I am still not a big hockey fan.

I had to take a Hunter Safety course and firearms courses for hunting and gun ownership. 

I also took a boating course for my operator's license. 

I was the oldest person in all my classes but learned a few things after a lifetime of those pursuits.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that I am very pleased with my move to Canada. 

Once I fully retire I doubt I even go back to the US beyond an occasional visit to see old friends. 

Life is good here in Canada, and statistically speaking, my life expectancy increased by 4 years.

Mark McClain

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