Some people have opinions, and some people have convictions......! What we offer is PERSPECTIVE!

(For example!)


Saturday 24 August 2024

As an American who actually moved to Canada, how would you rate the decision and why?

If you're in the 50% who are reasonably sane... your best bet would be to move north!!!!!!!!


I am pleased with the decision. My Canadian neighbourhood has been accepting and genuinely friendly. I have been more than pleasantly surprised at the healthcare system. 

It works much better than what I was used to in the States, and pharmaceuticals are far, far less expensive in Canada, in some instances by a multiple of 10 times less expensive. 

The taxes are certainly higher, of course, I pay full US taxes before “topping up” in Canada, but it is costing me more tax dollars. 

The healthcare system seems a fair offset though. Not being concerned about illness or injury costing me my 401K has been a big relief. 

This will become more of a factor in the future as I get older.

I really like Canadian Tire and the Beer Store. I don’t get the Tim Horton’s thing though, although I go there on occasion. 

A&W in Canada is also far better than in the US. I miss some college football coverage in Canada, but a new satellite dish will help solve that issue. 

I am still not a big hockey fan.

I had to take a Hunter Safety course and firearms courses for hunting and gun ownership. 

I also took a boating course for my operator's license. 

I was the oldest person in all my classes but learned a few things after a lifetime of those pursuits.

I could go on and on but the bottom line is that I am very pleased with my move to Canada. 

Once I fully retire I doubt I even go back to the US beyond an occasional visit to see old friends. 

Life is good here in Canada, and statistically speaking, my life expectancy increased by 4 years.

Mark McClain

Wednesday 21 August 2024


 I have NEVER liked rap music... so it's distressing to hear that a new... white... MIDGET RAPPER is making waves! (His Name is absolutely perfect for what he does....!) 

He calls himself..."Shrink Rap!

(I might not like RAP... but I love this guy's name... "SHRINK RAP!") 😜

Monday 19 August 2024

L O V E - I S !

When we were talking about a particular TV show that would be on later that night, "The Mrs. Herself" said: "I don't want to watch it alone... I want to watch it with you!"


D R U M P F !


Sunday 18 August 2024

SUNDAY MAGAZINE... Just a bit of inspiration!


George was a scrawny boy in an unfortunate and recurring nightmare. 

On this day, he was walking down the bus aisle to find a seat. Behind him, an older and larger classmate lurked.

Suddenly, he pulled George’s pants down to his ankles. 

There was a cacophony of laughter as George rushed to pull his pants up — turning to see his crush starting at him dead-faced.

In another instance, the bully threw George’s head into the wall and pinned him down into his seat like a feral animal. 

And if this wasn’t enough, the bully was handsome and athletic. 

Moreover, the person ruining George’s life was popular and beloved by all girls.

The bully was unrelenting and things eventually came full circle. 

Fearing he’d be seen as weak, George never tattled on the bully. 

He stoically took the abuse. 

However, during one drive home on the school bus, the bully punched him in the face, nearly knocking him out. 

It gave him a swollen black eye. 

His parents freaked out and forced him to reveal what had been happening. 

They now understood his depression and bad grades.


George’s father resolved he would speak with the bully’s dad. 

He drove to their house. 

The two met and spoke of the matter. 

George’s father urged the man to talk with his kid.


It didn’t work. 

George was small at that time, but he’d always been a fighter and full of pride.

He kept fighting back and lost every time. 

Eventually, the bully got tired of picking on him and moved on to an easier target. 

Yet it wasn’t the last time the bully saw George.

Two decades later — a surprise run-in George has now been a UFC champion for years, handing beatdowns to world-class wrestlers and elite kickboxers.

 By the end of this run, he would defend his title nine times and be considered by some — the greatest MMA fighter of all time.

He is on billboards all over Canada and renowned for his athleticism, throwing Van Dam-Esque high kicks and lunging Superman punches. George sat in his car and turned the keys to go run errands. Suddenly, a tall and dishevelled man knocked on his window. George rolled down his window and heard, “Do you have any spare change?”

It was the bully. The bully recognized George and his face drained. 

George turned off his car and got out. He struck up a conversation with the man. 

They spoke for 15 minutes, talking about life and how things had been. 

The former bully had fallen on hard times. 

He was unemployed and living on the streets.

There was a time when this bully had so much power over George — when George wanted nothing more than to kick his ass. 

And here, fate handed him this opportune moment. Their power dynamic had been reversed.

Instead of laying down a beating, George handed him $100 and said, “You are full of potential. Go, man. Do well in your life. You deserve more than this.”

One year goes by

George drove to visit his parents. 

As he walked into his house, his dad said, “A man came to visit you.” 

It turned out to be his bully. 

He’d stopped by to thank George for giving him the money and talking to him. 

It changed his life. 

That’s when George’s father told GSP something he’d never mentioned before.

When his father went to visit that bully’s dad all those years ago, he noticed the dad drinking hard liquor.

And when he left, he heard the father yelling at and hitting the bully. 

The bully was crying out for his dad to stop. 

The bully had learned to communicate only through aggression and violence. 

And as is often the case, he repeated the behaviour he saw at home.

People forget that bullies aren’t created in a vacuum. 

It took me a long time to realize my own bullies came from similar dysfunctional homes and that they didn’t know how to reconcile their own feelings.

They couldn’t fix their pain, so they projected it on others. 

It was the only currency they knew. 


Anyone who follows MMA knows that George St. Pierre is the nicest guy in the sport. He never badmouths people or curses at them. 

He became this way because bullies drove him to pursue martial arts and learn respect. 

George said, “At the time, I wanted to kill him. He was a terrible person. 

It wasn’t until later I realized — like most people — he was good on the inside.”

George’s story exemplifies the power of forgiveness over vengeance. 

When we choose to forgive, we choose to be free.

When we latch onto grudges, we poison ourselves from within. 

We become vindictive, bitter people. 

We become no better than the abused bully. 

We spread our pain rather than heal it.

It’s as Confucius said, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” 

One for your intended. 

The other for yourself!

As corny as it sounds, the best revenge is to stay kind, succeed, and enjoy your life!

Sean Kernan

Sunday Morning Funnies!


Friday 16 August 2024

Big Trouble in Little Balmoral!

According to "The Mrs. Herself" all the British Royals are getting together next week at Balmoral Castle in Scotland (My wife is Scottish... if ya haven't guessed by now!) for some sort of a "get-together" as a planning session for the direction the 'Royal Family' (The Firm) should take over the next decade!

BUT! Don't kid yourselves kids... this IS NOT the reason for this happy little "pow-wow" out in the woods... NO SIR! (With apologies to the King!)

Ya see folks... it's really about Harry and Vegan... and how THEY MUST BE STOPPED!

These two... with their stupid 'publicity' antics... are doing great damage to the Royal Family.  Rumour has it that "The King" (Charles) is considering kicking Harry out of the Firm and cancelling his "Dukedom!" (Harry is currently the Duke of Sussex, as well as being an Earle and a Baron!)

This would make Harry an ordinary citizen!


Here's the problem folks...!

Harry has admitted that outside of being "Royalty" the only skills he has are what he learned in the British Air Force!

Not only that... but the second that he's no longer "Royalty" Vegan Markle will be off like a shot!!!!!

This will leave our hapless hero with nowhere to go, (since he can never go back to England again!) and nothing to do! 


After everything is said and done in this whole lugubrious affair... Harry will end up flying a traffic helicopter in Vancouver, Canada!

Probably at the same station I worked at 50 years ago, Vancouver's #1 rocker, CKLG 730!

Last I heard it was 'All Day News and Traffic' which means Harry could get a job there!)

Monday 12 August 2024

Little Known Facts!!!!!

 Did you know that Ali Baba had a brother??????

His name was... (wait for it...) Buli Baba!!!!!!

Actually, a perfect TV nuclear family would be 'Ali Baba,' 'Ellie Babba' and little 'Buli' Babba!'

Thursday 8 August 2024


(Either that... or I'm full of crap!!!!!) 

All through my adult life, I have had a questioning nature... so one of the greatest mysteries I have tried to come to terms with is the question of religion and God!

Very early I figured out that "religion" per se, is one big pile of bullshit!

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not an atheist... maybe not even an agnostic!

(Whatever I am... ya sure don't read about it in the bible!)

You see, I fervently believe in a "Higher Power" of one kind or another because all this stuff here on our planet... and out there in the vast universe... could NOT have happened "just by golly and by chance" because then there wouldn't be a purpose to ANYTHING at all! (I'm a purposeful type of guy... ya see!)

Anyway, organized human religion is all a crock of shit to control people and take their money... (when ya get right down to it) so let's describe "God" or a "Higher Power" or "Mother Nature,"  or as "A Set of Rules!" 


This theory seems innocuous enough to suggest that these "Rules" may have set down the original conditions for our universe, cosmos, creation, reality, and existence to have been created!


Now that we have a universe... the "Rules" state that there should be "LIFE" in the form of organic material... that is produced by a process called abiogenesis! (The origin of life from nonliving matter!)

Needless to say, once these "cells" and then "organic molecules" and then "amoeba" and then "primitive animals and fish"  started to do their own thing in our world... this gave "THE RULES" something to play with! (After all, playing with just a "lump of dirt" is rather boring... but living things that do their own thing is another matter...and a hoot!)   

(Biopantheism is the philosophical and religious belief that all "living" organisms are a part of...a Higher Power! (God is infused in all "living matter / organic cells!") The organic universe is thus understood to be an "Immanent Deity," which has existed since the beginning of time.)

And why would "The Rules" want to want to play at being "alive..." you ask? 

I have all sorts of reasons for this... but the best example I can think of occurred to me when I saw this old episode of Star Trek! 


(Please excuse the acting... Jim was still new at this!)

Now what do I mean by "Entertainment....! 

(Why did "God" need to entertain ITSELF!)


A rough analogy would be this episode of Star Trek: Voyager where "Q" explains to Cpt. Janeway how everybody in the "Q" Continuum eventually did everything... and saw everything... and knew everything... until there was nothing "NEW" in all of Creation... AND THEY WERE BORED!

(P.S. Please don't think that I'm some sort of a Star Trek nut!)

That's right kids, You... Me... and every other "living organism" in the world are just "droids..." or "minions..." to be 'played with' by a Higher Power! 

And why do I think God is living vicariously through us... you ask????? 

Because we all have to follow the! 😉

After all... we are all just "Waves on the Ocean!" 

(We are the waves on......... )

(The Ocean of God! )

Can you find the 'Einstein" wave among all the others?

(If you want to get the whole story take a look over to the right side where I have a book called "Being Human" for your reading pleasure and amazement!!!!)



The idea that God and our consciousness are ultimately the same or interconnected is a concept that has been explored in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. 

Here’s a perspective on this idea:

  1. Pantheism and Panentheism: In some belief systems, God is seen as synonymous with the universe or the totality of existence. This view suggests that everything, including our consciousness, is a part of God or a manifestation of the divine! Biopantheism, meanwhile, suggests that God is infused in all "Living Matter!"

  2. Non-Dualistic Traditions: Certain spiritual philosophies, such as Advaita Vedanta in Hinduism or certain interpretations of mystic Christianity, propose that ultimate reality is non-dualistic. This means there is no fundamental distinction between God, consciousness, and the universe; they are seen as different aspects of the same underlying reality.

  3. The analogy of Waves on the Ocean: The analogy of 'waves on the ocean' can be interpreted in this context... Each wave is a distinct expression, yet fundamentally, it is made of the same water that constitutes the ocean. Similarly, our individual consciousnesses could be seen as a distinct expression of a larger, universal consciousness! (God)

However, it’s important to note that these ideas are deeply philosophical and spiritual in nature, and interpretations vary widely across different cultures and religious traditions. 

Some people may resonate with this perspective, while others may have entirely different views on the nature of consciousness and its relationship to Divinity or God.

Ultimately, whether one sees God and consciousness as the same thing depends on personal beliefs, spiritual practices, and cultural backgrounds. 

It’s a question that invites contemplation and exploration rather than a definitive answer. 

(Remember: The Big Ocean is underneath... and we are all the little waves bouncing around on top!)

Wednesday 7 August 2024

How is the quality of life in Canada compared to Sweden?


I am now retired in Canada because that’s where I worked for the last few years.

Compare the two countries…

Honestly, they are pretty much alike.

“Good government for the people.” Check.

“Superb healthcare for all”. Check

“Free or almost free education in a good schooling and university system.” Check

“Low criminality and VERY few murders.” Check

“Relatively few prisoners in a system made to prevent readmission.” Check

“Protection of the working person and his/her job against big corporations.” Check

You can go down the list and find a few differences, but nothing of significance.

Canada is huge and hard to traverse. 

Sweden is more compact and easier to travel about.

Belinda Clarke

Far better public transit in Sweden. See “huge” above.

Tuesday 6 August 2024


Here's a test that's great for young and old alike!

It's a two-part quiz:

1. Do you remember these quotes:

NOW! For the second part of the test game:

Which question above has been changed because of the "woke" generation?

Why lucky number 13..... of course!

Sunday 4 August 2024

Sunday Morning Funnies!


the living conditions in Canada really that bad... like what people are saying?"

Barry Horton, San Antonio, Texas.


As one of the few Canadians with the Internet, I would have to agree with that statement!

BUT: Just so you don't take only my word for it... read to this answer from Deborah Smith:


Yes. Yes, they are. It's horrible here.

We still live in Igloos, have no paved roads. 

No one owns a car or even a horse. We walk everywhere. No busses, no transit, no taxis.

I walked 3 miles uphill to school … both ways… when I was a kid. I had no shoes. We wear paper bags on our feet to stay warm, even though the temperature is 100 degrees below zero from September to June. (And from June to September, we have mosquitos the size of polar bears.)

And it’s so barren here. No gorgeous lakes or rivers and both coasts are landlocked. 

It’s a desert. A cold desert. We have no natural resources. No gold, silver, copper, diamonds, aluminum or any other precious metals. 

No forests, no oil or gas. 

Nothing that anyone not born in Canada could possibly want to come here for.

And we have NO sense of humour. 

You should never think of emigrating to Canada.

Deborah Smith

Saturday 3 August 2024

He hit his pole on the vault!!!!!


The world is extending its deepest sympathies to an Olympic hopeful whose dreams were dashed on Saturday. 

Or, maybe, its congratulations.

"You know that thing that happens all the time, where your penis is just so big it prevents you from winning a medal at the Olympics?" 

I know, right? 


And that’s what happened to our brother, French pole vaulter Anthony Ammirati on Saturday at the Paris Games.

The 21-year-old was attempting to clear a 5.70m bar when God got in the way.

The pole vaulter appeared to have propelled past the height of the bar, but when he contorted his body around, he didn’t, apparently, give enough clearance for his, um, entire member to clear it entirely. 

A slow-motion video that, if we’re being honest, deserves Oscar consideration for best short film, reveals that, as Ammirati was falling back to the ground, the bulge in his spandex caught the bar. (If I had a nickel, amiright?)

I’m waiting for someone to edit it with a Looney Tunes-esque “ba-oing” sound effect.

Ammirati ended up finishing 12th in his qualifying group, but, based on what I’ve seen on social media, has won the gold medal in going viral.

“When you’re about to win an Olympic medal but your massive d*ck gets in the way while the whole world watches in slow motion, that's embarassing!” one user on X wrote.

Wednesday 31 July 2024


Donald just found out that Kamala's black... and he's starting to question whether she's an American citizen!!!!

 I expect this to become an issue within the next few days... kids!

(Apparently, Kamala phoned Obama about the best way to handle this!)

Tuesday 23 July 2024

Go North Young Man!


Why would anyone live in Canada when the United States is better by every metric, including life expectancy, infant mortality, freedom of speech, gun violence, crime, universal healthcare, and education?

David Harris



What a bunch of crap!

The only category in which the US ranks higher is the infant mortality rate... but barely (0.003%). These are all the things you lied about:

Life expectancy: 77.28 years for the US, and 81.75 years for Canada.

Infant mortality rate: 0.379% for the US, and 0.382% for Canada.

Gun relayed deaths: 4.31 deaths per 100,000 for the US, 0.57 deaths per 100,000 for Canada.

Crime rate: all crime rates are higher in the US than in Canada.

Universal healthcare: doesn't exist in the US so you can't compare it with Canada.

Education: the US ranks 13th in the world for education, Canada ranks 11th.

So unless you're looking for shitty performance, the US ranks behind Canada in damned near everything you put into your bullshit post.